Looking for a smarter way to water?

Inquire about our sprinkler system installation services in Pueblo or Bessemer, CO

You don’t have to continue watering your lawn and landscaping by hand. Instead, call Derrick & Derrick's Tree & Lawn Service for sprinkler system installation services in Pueblo, Bessemer, CO or the surrounding area.

We’ll conduct a site assessment to evaluate your water needs and yard layout. Then, we’ll design a custom irrigation system for your multi-zone landscape. Expect us to work with high-quality equipment from top brands like Rain Bird.

Call 719-744-9204 now to discuss our sprinkler system installation process in more detail.

A white picket fence is surrounded by rocks and gravel in a yard.

Don’t risk your yard due to a broken sprinkler

Damaged sprinkler heads can overwater one part of your lawn while underwatering another. Uneven watering can result in dead grass and plants or even flooding in parts of your yard. Luckily, we provide sprinkler head replacement services. You can also trust us to:

  • Run new mainlines
  • Retrofit new components
  • Install backflow preventers
  • Fix broken control systems or timers
  • Repair leaky sprinkler heads or pipes

Want to learn more about our sprinkler head replacement services? Contact us today.

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